On this page you can find videos of excerpts from some of our productions.  Scroll down to see them all.

Learn more about these productions on our home site, click here to get there. Enjoy!


The Cuckoo Clock

First-level EFL (grade 3-4 IL)

“The Cuckoo Clock”:  Excerpts from the musical production, filmed specifically for the purpose of this promotional video.  These excerpts can give an idea of the appearance of the play, its content, language level, and some of its musical pieces:

Advanced first-level EFL (grades 5-6 IL)

“New Neighbor”:  Excerpts from the musical production, filmed specifically for the purpose of this promotional video.  These excerpts can give an idea of the appearance of the play, its content, language level, and some of its musical pieces:

Advanced EFL (grades 9-12 IL)

“Music Evolution”:  Excerpts from the musical production, filmed specifically for the purpose of this promotional video.  These excerpts can give an idea of the appearance of the play, its content, and the language level.
As depicted in this video, the Multi-Media version of this production includes pictures of prominent people, events, items, and lifestyle of a particular decade that are projected onto a screen during the performance of the relevant song. 


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